Movie Recommendations This Week, Including Green Lantern

Green Lantern

Piggybacking on the recent spurs of comics genre in the few recent months, Green Lantern is the latest super hero to hit the movies starring Ryan Reynolds. Based off DC Comics Green Lantern, the story revolves around.. well, you might guess it, an ordinary citizen who by chance met with extraterrestrial beings, given super powers and saves the day.

Critic Website
Rotten Tomatoes
Not the most original storyline perhaps but it is ultimately the high adrenaline action-packed special effects and CGI that attracts viewers, also reading through Green Lantern’s wiki you will find interesting excerpts of the ring wielder’s powers and abilities.

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Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Based on a classic children’s book written in 1938, Mr. Popper’s Penguins is a comedy movie starring Jim Carrey, a name we either love or hate so well. Being active in the movie industry for so long, a whopping 32 years of acting, one must wonder if he can pull off another winner on this movie.

Critic Website
Rotten Tomatoes

The critics are mixed on this one, though I must admit the trailer hits a homerun for some family fun. Definitely a movie mums and dads would bring their kids to watch, yeah who doesn’t love the idea of penguins for pets.

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