Books on sale from $1!
Select from a large collection of used library books at bargain prices at the Library Book Sale 2010!
Price of books:
Books in all four official languages will be on sale.
- English and Chinese books will cost $2 per copy;
- Malay and Tamil books will cost $1 per copy;
- English and Chinese magazines will cost $5 for a pack of 10 issues; and
- Malay and Tamil magazines will cost $5 for a pack of 20 issues.
Limit of purchase:
Each customer can buy up to a maximum of 60 items (a pack of 10 or 20 issues of magazines is considered as one item).
Categorisation of books:
The books are categorised under ‘Adults’, ‘Young People’ and ‘Children’. Under each group, they are sub-divided into ‘Fiction’ and ‘Non-Fiction’. The magazines are categorised under the four official languages.
Payment :
Payment can be made by NETS, CashCard or cash only.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, 10 July 2010 – Sunday, 11 July 2010
Time: 9.30am – 8.00pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A
Free Admission
For enquiries on the Library Book Sale 2010, please contact us via:
Tel: +65 6332 3255
Email: [email protected]