40% Off New Balance REVLite 890 Trade-In Promotion

If you have an old pair of running shoes hanging around in your shoe closet, now is the time to head down to participating New Balance stores in Queensway Shopping Centre and trade up a brand new pair of REVLite 890. So you might ask what’s so different about this new REVLite? Well as the name suggests, the REVLite 890 is very light and made of an innovative foam compound without sacrificing stability, durability or cushioning. You’ve gotta pick one up and wear them to really appreciate the lightness, so head on down give it a try today. Promotion ends this weekend 1st May 2011 so hurry!

Participating Outlets in Queensway Shopping Centre
Sah SportsSports Shop 2000
Sports WorldSports Fashion
Sports InterlinkSalam & Sons
Athletic Domain

Update: Someone from our Facebook page found out the retail price for the New Balance REVLite 890 costs S$185 (S$111 after discount).

Gimmicky video perhaps but we think it works:

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