PostCarden Giveaway by Squirrel’s Little House

The Squirrel Returns!

I think most of the readers who managed to get their paws on the scented Smencils were really delighted and they are back to bring you another environmentally friendly product to add to your Christmas shopping list… PostCarden from UK (really made in UK)

Don’t waste money on a Christmas card that would be cleared out by next spring cleaning. Give your friends and family, something they can keep for…hmmm…well until the card rots. Let your relationship grow as the water cress grows (when it dies just replace the seeds and pretend that they were the same plants for the analogy to work)

Squirrel’s Little House will be giving away 20 of these cards to the person who gives the best comments on the PostCarden Album on their Facebook page.

Hint: They are looking for something with a nice fuzzy feeling :)

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