[AOTW] App of the Week: Day One

If you have the habit of taking notes and journaling down what happens in your life often enough on your Apple OS digital diary(Macbook, iMac, iPad etc), you will definitely like this app, that is if you aren’t already using it.

I for one hates taking notes and journals digitally, partly because I’m simply too lazy and the other part is obviously the issue of keeping them altogether in one location. One moment I have a piece on my laptop, the next I have it on my iPad, and at the end of the day I waste more time trying to remember and find where I had that particular note saved. You might suggest Evernote, which honestly I already love using it to death. I somewhat agree and I tried to use for keeping simple notes/journals for a while but it’s filled with so much features(and I meant that as a compliment) it gives me a headache every time I want to jot down a simple one. Evernote undoubtedly works very well but personally I like to keep it purely for work/business and more collaborative purposes.

So here comes Day One, the simplest yet technically-sophisticated-enough app to make journaling my life a heck lot easier. So what makes it so good?

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Day One app is available on the Mac OS app store for $9.99, iPhone and iPad version for $1.99. The only complain is that I have to purchase separate apps for Mac OS and iOS, meaning to say I have to pay a total of $9.99 + $1.99 = US$11.98 in order to use it on all my Apple devices. That being said, it is still quite a steal once I realized how useful it is.

As I was saying, I hate to keep a daily journal but…