Google Shows You How To Build Your Own VR Headset From Carboards

Google seems to be mocking Facebook 2 billion dollar acquisition of Oculus Rift in this project available to anyone who wants to build their own VR headset. It’s not exactly a walk in the park to build one though, you do have to find a decent large cardboard, an Android smartphone running Jellybean 4.1 with NFC and some tricky components – a couple of lenses with 45mm focal distance and neodymium ring and disc magnets.

Congrats if you manage to acquire all the necessary items to get started and once you have followed the instructions to construct your own VR headset viewer, you can download Google’s own demo Cardboard app or some VR experiments from Google Chrome browser itself. Tell us about it if you managed to build one, we will be trying ourselves too.

Google Cardboard Ingredients List