Bank Of China F1RST Credit Card For Students Raised Eyebrows

Here’s a credit card that might cause some controversy – Bank of China (BOC) F1RST credit card is targeted at students aged 18 and above without minimum income and working adults with a minimum income of S$1,500 per month.

That’s good news for students who wish to apply for a credit card but parents might want to take extra steps to monitor their expenditure, even though there’s only a credit card limit of $500 allowed per month. Parents can also make use of this card to limit their son or daughter expenditure to $500 per month, rather than keeping track of the cash distribution.

There are perks for using BOC’s F1RST such as 0.5% rebates and 1-for-1 treats on movie tickets, Häagen-Dazs ice-cream or Coffee Bean beverages. Check BOC’s official credit card page for more information on the perks and privileges as well as the terms.

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