Google Takes On Drone Delivery with Project Wing


Here’s Google testing their version of drone delivery project which seems similar and a response to Amazon’s Prime Air. Project Wing is the name and Google has successfully tested and delivered first aid kits, candy bars, dog treats and water to a couple of Australian farmers.

While drone delivery feels like a cool concept, the video demonstrates Project Wing’s feasibility only in big open spaces but what happens when you take the idea to the city where we can imagine situations where anyone can just hurl stones to crash it or navigating around buildings would in fact be quite a big challenge itself.

[[perfectpullquote]]Google Project Wing has a bigger purpose[/[perfectpullquote]]

Unlike Amazon Prime Air, Project Wing has a bigger purpose and we can see it being useful in reconnaissance or first aid situations where conventional transport infrastructures are damaged from conflicts or natural disasters. If all that sounds interesting and you wish to wish to partner up with Google on Project Wing, they have an interest form where you can contact them directly.