Flyte is a levitating light bulb so fascinating you won’t want to turn it off

Even if you have never been intrigued by Tesla’s theory of wireless power, we think you will still find this product fairly impressive. Believe it or not, Flyte is an actual levitating light bulb.

We know magnets can defy gravity and we know induction can conduct electricity wirelessly, combine the two of them and you get a levitating power conductor. Physics aside, it basically means you can power something over the air through magnetic forces and Flyte bulb clearly accomplishes that according to the video.

[[perfectpullquote]]No batteries required[/[perfectpullquote]]

Flyte isn’t just science, it’s also a beautiful piece of art and for Scandinavian and minimalist fans, it should well exceed your expectations. Perfect as a bedside or study table lamp, this mini art installation featuring a shatter-proof LED light bulb is also utterly hypnotising to look at. Turning on and off is as simple as touching the capacitive surface of the base, and it won’t affect the levitation.

The only disappointment, if any, seemingly is its price. With only three days into the Kickstarter campaign and all the early-bird pledges already gone, you will have to dole out a hefty US$289 (inclusive of shipping) to acquire a piece or the premium model at US$589 if you have deeper pockets. Though truly desirable, it certainly will be your most expensive light bulb yet.

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