Star Wars fans go crazy on Force Friday but this is the toy everyone wants

The Star Wars movie, its seventh episode, still months away from release but few hours ago Disney sent Star Wars fans into a frenzy by declaring Force Friday and putting up hundreds of new Star Wars merchandise and toys into major toy retailers in the states in a special event including a 18-hour global unboxing streamed live on Youtube.

The most wanted toy supposedly is this BB-8 Sphero which fans got their first glimpse from the original movie teaser. The BB-8 Sphero is an app-enabled android that you control from the mobile app that pairs with it. According to the video, the toy rolls around with a self-righting mechanism that charges wirelessly via a dock and responds to your commands through the mobile app (available for both Android and iOS).

BB-8 also has an autonomous mode call Patrol, which lets it runs around blindly. After a while, it becomes smart enough to avoid obstacles when it learns in the spaces in your house or office.

The BB-8 Sphero isn’t available here in Singapore yet, but you can order one from Amazon for US$149.99 with free shipping to your doorstep. It’s out of stock at the time of writing, you can still place an order and the company will ship it to you once it becomes available again.

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