Carlsberg invites you to become a beer taster, pays $10,000 for 4 hours work

We are not sure if the selected tester will be placed in a setup similar to the picture but for $10,000 for just 4 hours of work for one of the most popular beer company in the world, why not?

That’s why Carlsberg is looking for you, the aspiring beer taster that fits their requirements, which supposedly fits everyone that drinks (non-drinkers can skip this). You need no experience, have a passion in drinking Carlsberg, work for just 4 hours when hired and according to the job poster, a driver will be provided.

Hold on and before you get too excited, there’s always a catch. If you ever bother to read the T&Cs on the mini-site, you are not wrong to believe this is simply a lead generation exercise to collect personal information of beer drinkers.

Nevertheless, Carlsberg still has to honour the word to the winning entry, so if you aren’t particularly concerned about submitting personal information over the web and you are a beer-loving creature, there’s a chance, however slim it might be, you could get selected.

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