Zeiss takes a shot at mobile photography with ExoLens

They say the best camera is the one that’s always with you. Zeiss (formerly Carl Zeiss) is a German optics manufacturer more widely known for its professional-grade camera lenses has just announced ExoLens, a photography gear kit for iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S6 series.

The new ExoLens kit is made up of a machined aluminium frame which comes with an integrated tripod mount, a 3x telephoto lens with sun hood and a 165-degrees wide-angle lens. According to the company, Zeiss used materials with the highest grade in ExoLens manufacturing to deliver crisp clear visuals and even claims it captures professional-level photos and video.

A quick search on Google reveals a couple of reliable reviews with sample images taken using the ExoLens which you can find here and here, or ExoLens own Instagram gallery submitted by their customers here.

Zeiss ExoLens price starts at US$97.50 for the iPhone 6 and goes up to a rather expensive US$149.95 for the iPhone 6 Plus and 6S Plus, and that’s before the shipping charges. The same kit is listed on Amazon as well and for some reason, it’s priced exactly the same (except for iPhone 6 kit) with free shipping to Singapore included.

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