MUJI Singapore Online Store turns one: Discount coupon code your order plus lucky draw

If you didn’t know, MUJI Singapore has an online store which carries the entire selection of what you see in the physical stores. The online store has already been operating for a year now and they will be celebrating their first anniversary for a month till 20 March 2016.

During this period, spend a minimum $100 at MUJI online store and received a $11 discount with coupon code MUJIONE11 entered during checkout. Plus a minimum $30 spending entitles you a chance to win a Large Aroma Diffuser worth $139 from the weekly draw (total of three draws altogether).

There will also weekly specials which you can find on the official announcement page. This week, get access to an exclusive pre-launch of MUJI’s 2016 Spring/Summer Linen collection.

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