Yum Cha celebrates SAF Day with 1-for-1 Weekday High Tea Buffet for SAF Personnel in July

This is a fantastic dining deal for all national servicemen and women out there.

In celebration and recognition of SAF Day, all SAF personnel including NSFs, NSmen & women and regulars enjoy 1-for-1 weekday High Tea Buffet at the popular dim sum restaurant Yum Cha for the entire month of July, Mondays to Fridays.

Simply flash your 11B or show up in uniform to enjoy the offer. No worries if you can’t get out of camp because Yum Cha will also provide free delivery to you plus an additional complimentary dish of Crispy Salmon Fish Skin during this promotional period, except to Pulau Tekong.

The 1-for-1 dining offer is only valid at Yum Cha @ Chinatown outlet located at 20 Trengganu Street.