This Taiwanese video showing Samsung Galaxy Note 7 cooking meat is insane

We all know about Samsung Galaxy Note 7 battery heating issues are a hot topic right now, but we didn’t believe it’s that hot until we spotted this Taiwanese video making rounds on social media.

Believe it or not, the Note 7 battery heats up so much we wonder if Samsung packed a Transformers Energon cube in every unit. Within 2 minutes upon activating the camera on the smartphone, the temperature has gone through the roof, so blazing hot it seared the surface of a piece shabu-shabu meat (oh my thighs!). Finally, like a reveal in a magic trick, the Note 7 shockingly went up in smokes after the presenter opens up the tinfoil.

Samsung has acknowledged the problem and issued a recall/exchange a while ago. Local telcos have also stopped sales of the smartphone after the news broke. Owners can also approach their telco to find out about the Note 7 exchange program.