Spin Food Republic ’30 Days of Treats’ Jackpot for free daily and win dining vouchers

Here’s your chance to win some discounts and dining vouchers with Food Republic as they celebrate their 11th birthday this month.

From now until 6 December 2016, simply log on to Food Republic’s 30 Days of Treats page with your Facebook or email address and you will be entitled to a free spin on the jackpot daily.

If you are lucky, you can enjoy sure-win treats such as discounts when you dine at any Food Republic’s food courts, shopping vouchers, weekly draw prize of $200 + $100 Singtel Dash credits and grand prizes including hotel staycations, Universal Studios tickets and $1,500 cash + $200 Singtel Dash credits.

Prizes and dining vouchers/discounts will be sent to the email address you log on with, you will need to print out the email voucher to redeem. Flashing the voucher on mobile is not accepted.

Spin on Food Republic

Food Republic’s 30 Days of Treats Jackpot