Download and flash Delifrance latest discount coupons on sandwiches, lasagne sets & more

Delifrance latest discount coupons (Click to enlarge)

Keep this one bookmarked or download them to your phone or tablet just in case you feel like having Delifrance sandwiches or set meals one of these days.

These are Delifrance latest discount coupons that will let you enjoy more than a few dollars of savings when you order their set meals and pastries including their bestselling croissant sandwiches, lasagne, peach tarts and madeleines.

Simply flash the above coupons of your choice when making payment to enjoy the discounts. The coupons are valid from now till 28 May 2017 or while the menu items last. Multiple coupon redemptions per customer is allowed as well so use them to your heart’s content.

Prices listed are inclusive of GST. You can find Delifrance outlet locations here and if the staff require you to show them the official coupons from their site, click on the image below.