No delivery windows on Amazon Prime Now? Here’s a trick to get your orders fulfilled

Amazon Prime Now flooded with orders, can’t fulfil them fast enough.

Amazon Prime Now has just launched in Singapore and it’s currently only accessible via the mobile app. While shoppers can choose from hundreds of products, the demand is so high that the company has trouble fulfilling the orders quick enough.

Currently, when you hit the checkout button, the app tells you that there aren’t any available slots. The problem with Prime Now is that it only lets you select delivery times up to the next day but with the time slots all booked up by a number of orders, there aren’t any left to choose.

For now, you can come back and purchase another time when things have calmed down. There is, however, a quicker solution – Placing your orders when the clock strikes midnight. The trick works simply because Amazon Prime Now delivery slots for the following day opens up at 12.01am, which will give you more time slots to choose from. Except, you need to be faster than the others.

The delivery issue will eventually be solved when Amazon Singapore sort out their logistics but if you absolutely need whatever it is on Prime Now, you could give this trick a shot.