Here’s how to get $10 off your shopping on Qoo10 without minimum spending

Got something you need to buy on Qoo10? Be sure to utilise this exclusive discount from PayPal.

Eligible for PayPal account holders, simply head over to this PayPal offer page to collect your $10 off on any purchase on Qoo10 marketplace.

Unlike the usual discounts on Qoo10 where a minimum spending is required. This PayPal offer, however, doesn’t require any.

Redeem from PayPal

Don’t say bo jio! $10 off your purchases at Qoo10, no minimum required. (Screengrab: PayPal promotion page)

You can redeem this $10 off promotion from now till 11 February but we suggest you hurry as there is a limit on the redemptions.

Some terms and conditions to take note: