Your morning French-pressed coffee are less messy with Rite Press

The Rite Press now on Kickstarter

Love that full-flavoured French-pressed coffee but hate to clean up the mess every morning?

You probably want to take a look at Rite Press, the French press coffee maker that promises effortless cleanup all in under 4 minutes. Its double-walled construction features a stainless steel filter that forces the grounds into a removable bottom chamber, which twists off for easy cleaning.

The Rite Press also comes with an integrated thermometer to measure the temperature of the hot water and a built-in hourglass for the perfect brew time.

Available in 1/2 and 1-litre sizes in two colours Black and Silver, the Rite Press is now available for pre-order on Kickstarter with prices from US$30. Shipping to Singapore, however, costs an additional US$21.

The company expects to ship in March, a much shorter waiting period compared to most Kickstarter campaigns, which means you can enjoy your mess-free coffee very soon.

Pre-order from Kickstarter