7-Eleven Year-End Treats on UFC Coconut Water, Samyang Instant Noodles & more are cheaper than prices in supermarkets

7-Eleven Year-End Treats are the real deal this week

7-Eleven truly becomes the store and more to go to this week.

The 24-hour convenience store has just launched their Year-End Treats this week and the prices on the goodies they have lined up for us is even lower than what you will find in supermarkets like FairPrice, Cold Storage or Redmart.

Here are some of the featured buys available from now till 2 December.

2 x UFC Coconut Water (1-litre packs) for only $5.50. In comparison, FairPrice and Redmart are selling the 2-packs at $5.95.

Samyang Hot Chicken Cheese Big Bowl at $2 each. FairPrice and Redmart are selling at $2.60.

There are more…

Here’s the full list of items that are on sale at 7-Eleven stores this week:

Find a 7-Eleven store near you here.