Weatherman says temperatures in 1st half of December could drop as low as 22°C

Cooler weather is here, but so is the rain

Winter might never happen in Singapore but the weather is expected to turn cooler this December, according to Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS).

The wet monsoon from the South China Sea is expected to stay for the next two months. Additionally, a monsoon surge (strengthening of northeasterly winds) lasting between two to five days leading to cooler temperatures across Singapore is also in the forecast.

As low as 22°C to 23°C.

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Thundery Showers

Like it or not, the cold weather will be accompanied by frequent thundery showers in the afternoons and evenings, as shown on 4-day outlook.

So unless you don’t mind getting drench, you can kiss your sunny outdoor adventures bye-bye.

The Northeast Monsoon season is expected to prevail till March 2019.

Learn more from MSS