Curious bubble tea fan explains why we should never upsize our drinks from M to L at some shops

If you have been wondering how much more you are getting by upsizing your bubble tea drinks, you are not alone.

Jeremy Tan’s obsession started when a friend advised him that upgrading the drink size from M to L at a particular brand is roughly the same, which led him to buy and measure M and L size cups from some of the popular bbt brands including KOI, ShareTea, Gong Cha, LiHO and R&B.

Surprising Results

The results of the experiment are rather startling, particularly from R&B – upsizing from M to L only adds a miserable 80ml which costs $0.70 more.

Here’s the video.

However, Jeremy also states that it is almost always a better option to upsize a premium-priced drink since the additional upsize cost remains the same across the menu at most shops.

Worth it or not?

Jeremy has also shared his findings on which shop offers better value when you choose to upsize your drink.

Click to enlarge image

Here’s a quick summary:

While the results are eye-opening, Jeremy also suggests:

“At the end of the day, just buy what you want. After all, taste preference matters.”

True story.

Here’s the original Facebook post.