Old Chang Kee’s crazy 11.11 Snack Deal means you pay only $1 per stick or puff on Nov 11

OCK 11.11 Snack Deal means you pay $1 per stick

Can’t resist Old Chang Kee snacks whenever you pass by their outlets? You will purposely want to find one come 11 November.

That’s because on 11.11 (Monday) Singles Day, all Old Chang Kee outlets will be offering 11 snack items for only $11.

Really cheap snacks

Which also means you pay only $1 per snack item.

Say what now?

Totally worth it.

Here’s the promotional poster from Old Chang Kee.


After 11am onwards

The 11.11 snack offer will start from 11am so be sure to standby at an outlet near you in case your favourite sticks of snacks get snapped up by others.

Choose from bestselling food items including Curry’O curry puffs, Fishball, Sotong Head, Fish Fillet, Crab Nugget, Chicken Wing, Chicken Nugget, Cheezy Chicken Sausage, Spring’O and more.

Photo: @mariaellenratna

Share with BFFs

Can’t finish all 11 sticks at one go? Be sure to bring a friend or colleague along to share and he/she will thank you for it.

You can find a list of Old Chang Kee outlets here if you have no idea where to start.

Event Details

What: Old Chang Kee 11.11 Snack Deal

Where: All Old Chang Kee outlets islandwide

When: 11 November 2019

Time: From 11am onwards