Snoopy x BRUNO Hotplate Machine are driving S’pore fans crazy, preorder now available at $248 per set

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Snoopy-themed BRUNO hotplate now available in Singapore

BRUNO Singapore has just launched a new Snoopy-themed hotplate. It is so cute that we are pretty sure non-Snoopy fans are crazy about it.

It is not the first time BRUNO has come up with themed hotplates – they had Moomin designs a while back.

They were sold out pretty quickly too.

If you have never heard of BRUNO, they are known for their versatile yet compact hotplate machines that offer quick heating for cooking pancakes, burgers and patties, crispy Japanese takoyaki, and even steamboat or stews with its attachments.

Here are some photos of BRUNO hotplates in action.

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Love pancakes 土曜日の午後の #おやつ #おやつの時間 ホットケーキ:ピスタチオペースト、パイナップルジャム、ヌテッラ #sicily #cremaAlPistacchio #Nutella 日本酒:フルーティな香り~まるでワイン感覚 . . [各賞受賞歴] 全米日本酒歓評会 2018 金賞受賞 SAKE COMPETITION 2018 GOLD(第7位)受賞 インターナショナル ワイン チャレンジ2018 2018 「大吟醸の部」ブロンズメダル受賞 2016年 全米日本酒歓評会金賞受賞 平成28年 南部杜氏自醸清酒鑑評会 吟醸酒の部優等賞 インターナショナルワインチャレンジ2012トロフィー受賞 ワイングラスでおいしい日本酒アワード2012最高金賞受賞 . #燦爛 #大吟醸 #外池酒造 #栃木県 #山田錦 #sake #ホットケーキ #日清極もち #brunohotplate #手料理 #家飲み #おうち時間 #自宅飲み #日本酒好き #日本酒 #stayathome #tuttoandràbene #新型コロナウイルスに負けず 💪🏼

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Or you can watch their introduction video to get a better idea of how it works.

So useful.

Snoopy x BRUNO Hotplate

Besides getting a Snoopy-themed BRUNO Hotplate, you can also create pancakes with Snoopy characters on them using the machine.

BRUNO Singapore has teamed up with TANGS and Metro to launch their preorder sale today, available at $248 per set with free shipping.

It is currently out of stock on but you can still try your luck with Metro, which seems to be available at the moment. However, do keep in mind Metro might not have enough stocks to fulfil all preorders and could offer a refund on your order.

Delivery will be available from 21 September onwards.

Preorder from Metro Singapore

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