Xiaomi 27-inch IPS Monitor selling at just S$199 with free shipping & warranty, cheaper than the price in China

Need a new monitor now that we are back to WFH? This monitor is an affordable option to consider

Tired of squinting at your laptop screen all day now that we are back to WFH? Here’s a monitor that can help you get work done that’s gentler on the eyes.

Redmi 27-inch Monitor

Available for a limited time, you can pick up the Redmi 27-inch monitor by Xiaomi for only $199 on Qoo10 marketplace online.

It comes with a 1080p resolution on an IPS panel and has a blue-light filter, thin bezels on the top and sides, and refresh rates up to 75Hz for a flicker-free viewing experience.

You can also place two of them side by side for a fully immersive vision since the bezels are so thin.

It measures only 7.5mm at its slimmest point which means you have lots more space on your desk for more important things.

Other features include flexible angle adjustments, HDMI 1.4 and audio support.

Whether you are setting up a new WFH workstation or using it as a spare or secondary display, it’s a steal at $199 for a 27-inch monitor. In comparison, the same monitor retails at ¥999 (~S$207) in China.

It also comes with free shipping and a 1-year warranty from the seller.

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