Temasek Foundation giving FREE Oximeter to all S’pore households, here are the dates & locations to take note

Free oximeter for all S’pore households to be distributed early-July

After giving away free hand sanitisers, Temasek Foundation is back with another giveaway to help fight against the Covid pandemic.

This time, they are giving away oximeters.

Why oximeter matters

For those who are not familiar with the device, an oximeter is a non-invasive medical device that indirectly monitors the oxygen saturation of the user’s blood.

It is especially important during this period since the Covid virus infects the lungs, which causes them to be filled with fluid and debris. This results in less oxygen in your blood which the oximeter can detect and determine if you should consult a doctor or visit the A&E at a hospital nearby.

Here’s how a typical oximeter looks like.

Normal oxygen levels in a healthy person usually range from 95% to 100% and readings below 90% are considered low.

Free Giveaway

Temasek Foundation will be giving away free oximeters for around a month’s period starting from 5 July till 5 August, available at participating supermarkets and pharmacies islandwide.

They include:

Each household is entitled to 1 oximeter, but take note that not all stores are collection points – you can use the search function from the official website here to find out where’s the nearest collection store.

One more thing – you will have to bring along the Stay Prepared leaflet that will be mailed to your household by July 3 to collect your free oximeter.

Here’s how the leaflet looks like.

You can also view the video below for more information.

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