FairPrice launches SMEG Cookware & Kitchen Accessories from $9.90 in new Redemption Programme till Jun 26

Shoppers can now redeem SMEG kitchen products from FairPrice outlets islandwide

Get ready to shop at FairPrice supermarkets and elevate your home and kitchen with sleek and stylish SMEG products.

FairPrice Redemption Promotion

FairPrice, Singapore’s premier supermarket chain, has unveiled its newest redemption programme, featuring a wide range of SMEG kitchen and cookware products at steep discounts of up to 79% off until 26 June.

Choose from an assortment of knives, a quality wooden cutting board, casseroles, and much more.

Here’s the breakdown of the products and prices:

Note that the Cast Iron Casserole is exclusive to FairPrice Finest, Xtra and selected FairPrice stores.

Shoppers can collect 1 Bonus Point with every $30 spent in stores.

You can also redeem selected products at designated Unity Stores.

All items are available while stocks last so act fast. Please inspect your redeemed items before leaving the store as refunds or exchanges will not be provided once the redemption process is completed.

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