Inspired by a true life story of Top Ittipat, The Billionaire is a comedy drama movie about Top’s troubled teenage life and how he eventually end up being the founder of the popular and tasty “Tao Kae Noi” seaweed now sold in 7-Eleven stores and supermarkets across the world.
Came across this movie at GV’s website and honestly I can’t find much information about it on the internet. Not on Wikipedia, not even on IMDB. All I could find is its official site in Thai language, a few praising comments on its Youtube trailer and finally a decent review on I’m assuming that this is a small budget movie without all the hoo-ha marketing blockbusters usually have, despite that I believe one might leave the theatre having enjoyed and satisfied after watching it. Don’t take my word for it and like all trailers being how they are, watch it and decide for yourself.
So there you have it, our Movie Of The Week goes to The Billionaire but be sure to catch it soon before the screening ends. Check out the movie’s synopsis and trailer below:
What are you doing at his age?
Age 16, TOP gained 400,000 Baht monthly from playing online games.
Age 17, He was willing to fail school and instead earned money from selling chestnuts for 2,000 baht.
Age 18, His family went bankrupt and remained 40 million Baht in debt.
Age 19, He released Tao Kae Noi seaweed to more than 3,000 branches at 7-Eleven.
At this present, Top is a 26-year-old businessman, the owner of the bestselling seaweed in Thailand. He owns 85 percent of the market share which is equivalent to 800 million Baht a year, and has 2,000 employees in his company.
THE BILLIONAIRE will let you get to know Top Ittipat in details about how he turned himself from an online game addict whom always got disparaged by teachers, to a famous young billionaire. How did he raise himself up to this position? Surely, everyone desires to get rich, yet not everyone dares to succeed like him.
Find the answers that have made Top become a Billionaire, while you still can.