Don Don Donki Tampines 1 will officially open on Oct 22, likely have exclusive discounts on weekend opening

Don Don Donki will officially open in Tampines 1 later this month

Good news for residents in the east – Japanese lifestyle and discount store Don Don Donki has just announced they will be opening its newest Tampines 1 outlet on 22 October (Fri) this month.

It will be their 11th store in Singapore, taking over the units formerly occupied by UNIQLO (which has since moved to Tampines Mall).

Don Don Donki set to open its 11th S’pore store in Tampines 1 as it heads to the east

Grand Opening Promotion

The new Don Don Donki store is located on level 2 in the mall and will be open from 10am onwards on opening day.

Here’s a photo from Google Maps showing how large the store will be.

Don Don Donki Singapore has yet to reveal any opening promotions on the items in-store but there will likely be exclusive discounts on selected products as per their new outlet opening tradition.

There is, however, a chance for you to earn a VIP Pass to enter the store without queueing on opening day and receive a welcome goodie pack.

Here are the steps to participate:

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Don Don Donki (Tampines 1)