If you have always aspired to be a pickpocket (however wrong that sounds), here’s a game app for your iPhone that will make your dream come true, except that you won’t be stealing real money.
PKPKT, pronounced as pickpocket, is an iOS game that uses BLE or otherwise known as Bluetooth [Low-Energy] to scan players with the same app nearby and gives you the ability to either block or steal their moolah virtually. After you have succeeded you can choose to leave a message or just walk away quietly. Yes, the victim won’t even notice who had stolen his/her in-game money. Do note though there’s no need for the app to be active but upon scanning, both players will be notified so whoever has the fastest fingers (or tapping) wins steals.
It only gets interesting when there are more players and imagine sniggering away in a dark alley watching while the victim fumed looking around for the thief. We experimented this game in our office and there is potential for this game to entertain in real life however there is a tendency for games like this to become bored after a while. The question will then be how can the developer keep us interested.
If only we can exchange the currency for bitcoins…