Tiger Sugar Singapore 2nd outlet opening soon
Remember Tiger Sugar, the famous bubble tea chain from Taiwan known for their brown sugar fresh milk beverage?
Earlier in November, they opened their first outlet here in Singapore at the Capitol Piazza.
Latest Taiwanese milk tea craze ‘Tiger Sugar’ opens first S’pore outlet in Capitol Piazza
According to blogger reviews, Tiger Sugar uses fresh milk cream instead of regular milk to create their signature drink, resulting in a thicker and tastier undiluted drink.
Tiger Sugar coats their cups with streaks of brown sugar which resembles the stripes on the animal tiger, hence the name.
They will be opening a new outlet come 8 December next Saturday.
It will be in Chinatown Point.
In celebration of the new opening, Tiger Sugar Singapore will also be giving away limited edition tattoos with every order.
200 tattoos will be given away daily over two days (8 & 9 December), starting from 11am.
This is how the tattoo looks like.
To celebrate our opening of ASEAN’S SECOND store, we will give away SINGAPORE LIMITED edition of temporary TATTOO with each purchase order. We will give away ONLY 200 daily for 2 days (while stock lasts ) from 8-9 December . Be the first to grab it ! Don’t miss out !You’re gonna hear us ROAR again !! See you on : Date & Time : 8 Dec ( Saturday) 11:00am Location: 133 new bridge rd #B1-42 Chinatown point , (Exit G at Chinatown MRT station). 我們來了!12月8 日 上午11點 在133 new bridge rd #B1-42 Chinatown Point , (Exit G at Chinatown MRT station). 不見不散!老虎堂新加坡第二間門市要開幕囉。台灣黑糖虎紋創始店,開創台灣珍珠奶茶新時代,經典的黑糖虎紋、虎式黑糖、鮮奶取代奶精、前所未有的先拍照上傳、飲用前搖晃15下等,都堪稱是台灣近年來最具指標的飲品,如今這股「虎式風潮」抵達新加坡!為歡慶新加坡第二門市開幕,凡來店消費即贈送「新加坡限量版紋身貼紙」~讓你的運勢「虎虎生風」!每天只送200份 12月8至9曰數量有限、送完為止。#tigersugarsg #Singapore #老虎堂 #新加坡老虎堂 #tigersugar #chinatownpoint #黑糖虎紋 #虎式黑糖 #igsg
Posted by Tiger Sugar Singapore 新加坡老虎堂 on Friday, 30 November 2018
Address Details: 133 new bridge rd #B1-42 Chinatown Point S(059413)