While this piece of news isn’t gonna save you money, it just might save your life (or kidneys).
Pre-packaged biscuits with cancerous contaminants
A new report recently broke on South China Morning Post (SCMP), listing a number of pre-packed biscuits commonly found in local supermarkets to contain cancer-causing substances.
This likely include biscuit products that are being sold in supermarkets and general stores in Singapore.
According to SCMP, the chemical carcinogens detected in the biscuits include Glycidol and Acrylamide.
A quick search on Google reveals the following:
Glycidol is an irritant of the skin, eyes, mucous membranes, and upper respiratory tract. Exposure to glycidol may also cause central nervous system depression, followed by central nervous system stimulation. It is listed as an IARC Group 2A Agent, meaning that it is “probably carcinogenic to humans”.
Acrylamide (or acrylic amide) is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH2=CHC(O)NH2. It is a white odorless solid, soluble in water and several organic solvents. […] It is highly toxic, likely to be carcinogenic, but its main derivative polyacrylamide is nontoxic. The possibility that this innocuous bulk chemical contains traces of its hazardous precursor has long attracted attention.
Here’s the list of biscuits that were tested and confirmed:
- Glycidol
- Fu Shang Zhi Pin Cheese Soda Cracker (no sucrose)
- Hup Seng Special Cream Crackers
- Four Seas Biscuit Stick (Family Pack)
- Ritz Crackers Cheese Flavoured Sandwich
- Jacob’s Original Cream Crackers 93% Wheat Cereal
- Oreo Mini Oreo Original
- Acrylamide
- MUJI Siruko Sandwich Cracker
- Dare Breton Wheat Crackers – Basil & Olive Oil
- Bancheta Digestives
- Hup Seng Special Cream Crackers
- Hokka Cigar Biscuit
Here are some photos of the biscuits that are more commonly found here.
Hup Seng Special Cream Crackers
Ritz Crackers Cheese Flavoured Sandwich
Jacob’s Original Cream Crackers 93% Wheat Cereal
Oreo Mini Oreo Original
MUJI Shiruko Sandwich Cracker
The report also mentioned consuming these biscuits on a daily basis could lead to long-term adverse effects on kidneys and male fertility.